Dominik André on the 12.9.2022 in Worldwide FM, Gilles Peterson Gilles Peterson pauses Worldeide FM Gilles Peterson announced that Worldwide FM, the radio station he founded six years ago, will be on pause from the end of October.
Dominik André on the 19.7.2022 in Rote Fabrik, Summer Camp Summer Camp at Rote Fabrik announces Line-Up This year's Summer Camp at Rote Fabrik starts tomorrow. Until 7 August there will be radio shows, workshops, performances and parties.
Dominik André on the 23.5.2022 in TRNSTN Radio, Fribourg TRNSTN celebrates 2 years with 12 hours radio streaming The online radio TRNSTN in Freiburg turns two and celebrates this on 9 July with 12 hours of radio streaming and an after-party.